Does anyone still feel like even after the incident, all is not right with your head ?

y head just feels messed up all the time.

Does anyone still feel like even after the incident, all is not right with your head? I feel like even a year later I get confused and now can’t remember simple things. And I can’t put my finger on it, but my head just feels messed up all the time.


Mandi Huffhines
I have that same feeling. I have even been confused if I was taking the right way home a few times. I wish I could go back to the days before all this happened.

Scott Lockard
I definitely feel “off” at times. Not so much affecting my memory, but occasionally words don’t come as quickly as I want them to or I get tongue-tied.

Tina Watson-Green
I feel that way as well. It’s hard to describe but I would say that I feel slow. My first TIA was 6 weeks ago. I’m afraid that I will always feel this way.

Scott Lockard
One thing I started doing was keeping a daily log of how I felt. It helped me track feeling more like myself as time went on.

Wendi Briggs
I sometimes wonder if I feel “off” and feel like I say the wrong word or stumble with words more now not because I really am but because I’m more hyper aware of everything post tia. When tired or stressed or just preoccupied with something else I’m sure I’d forget or say the wrong thing. Of course now my attention focuses on it. Maybe this is just my way to try not to panic and find some normality again.

Brandi Shelton
My husband describes the same things. His TIA was almost 3 months ago. He described these symptoms to a Neuro who dismissed it.

Jeri Richie
It took darn near a year after mine to get back to normal. I was always mixing up words and couldn’t seem to think straight. I’m much better now. It’s been 4 years since my TIA.

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