Fast Food Diet

Despite of being familiar to the fact that, excessive intake of fast food can be injurious to health fast food has become an integrated part of our routine diet. We normally hear messages regarding eradication of fast food. Many health organizations including both governmental and non-governmental frequently warn regarding the bad effects which these fast foods can have upon our health and we must give priority to exercise and home made food still we are failing to control raising graph of fast food consumption.

Researches have concluded that fast food diet can lead to many diseases which are :

Show their adverse impact at a slow pace. Diseases such as obesity, high-cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, dieses associated to heart and eyes with can lead to tiredness and depression can be an output of fast food diet.

Fast food diet includes vegetarian burger, onion burger, cheese burger, chicken burger, pizza (cheese and capsicum), hot dog, etc. which contain a large amount of oil and spices. They do not contain natural fat which is essential for our body but contain trans-fat which is totally different from the natural one and it is not the requirement of the body. If it accumulates in large quantity which usually happens, then human body fails to assimilate it. Which results in its collection in body parts due to which several complications arises including obesity and cancer.

Due to fast food diet function of insulin gets affected and due to which the process of sugar breakdown in the body get hurdled resulting in diabetes. Fast food diet is normally preferred because they are easily available, they are ready made and available at a low price with proper taste and constituents. When it comes to fast food diet which includes non-vegetarian fast food then it usually includes chicken burger, non vegetarian hot dog, etc. Recent studies had proved that non vegetarian fast food if taken in improper manner and in high quantity then can result in cancer.

It is not like that fast food diet can result in undesirable complications only. If fast food is taken in limited quantity only with proper combination of vegetables then it can become beneficial for the human body. If it contains fresh and balanced quantity of vegetables then it can provide important dietary supplements like proteins, iron, minerals and carbohydrates. So, it is not recommendable that you must totally prevent fast food diet but must give priority to balanced diet.