How Much Do You Know About The Vitamins Needed For Good Nutrition

We all know that we need to get our daily dose of vitamins but do we know what vitamins our bodies need and what they do for our bodies and more importantly do we know what foods contain these vitamins?

Our bodies need vitamin A, c, d, e, k, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, choline and also folate.

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is used to help keep our vision healthy particularly our night vision. It also helps when it comes to repairing bone and tissue. It is used in fetal development and also in the reproduction process. It also helps our immune system to fight off bacteria, infections and also viruses.

We get vitamin A from beef liver, milk products, whole eggs, dairy products that have been fortified with vitamin A, dark greens, yellow and also orange fruit and vegetables.

Vitamin C is one that we hear about all the time. We know that it protects us from the harmful effects of free radicals, and helps us to build strong blood vessels and gums, and in the development of strong bones and teeth. It also aids in healing from wounds and also helps to resist infection in those wounds. It can help us to decrease our chance of getting cancer, cataracts, heart disease and other diseases.

Vitamin D:

It assists in bone and teeth formation, and in preventing bone deformation diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia. It can assist the body in immune function, cell growth and also in fetal cell growth. Studies have also shown that it can lower the risk for certain cancers.

You can receive vitamin D by getting out there in the sunshine so that vitamin D can be synthesized through your skin. You can also eat fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, and mackerel or by taking cod liver oil. It is also found in fortified milk, and also some breakfast cereals. You can also find it in egg yolk, beef liver, and also Swiss cheese.

Vitamin E:

This vitamin is very important in fighting free radicals. It also aids in DNA repair and contributes to a healthy immune system.

You can get vitamin E by eating fortified cereals, or by using vegetable oils, and by using wheat germ oil. It can also be found in green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and also whole grains.

Vitamin K:

We need vitamin K for blood clotting, and are part of the prevention of diseases such as hemorrhagic disease. It is also used in synthesis of bone proteins.

We can get vitamin K from eating beef liver, cabbage, and green leafy vegetables. It is also found in lesser amounts in eggs, cereals, meats, milk, and other fruits and vegetables.

Thiamin helps us to get energy from the carbohydrates that we eat, and also assists in the nervous system functioning properly, and our heart and other muscles to function well. It also regulates our appetite.

We can get sources of thiamin by eating port, seafood, potatoes, tomato juice, watermelon, oranges, pinto beans, and also by using wheat germ in our food.

Riboflavin is a vitamin that is used to release energy from the carbohydrates that we eat as well as from fat, and protein that we use. It is helpful in the transportation of iron and in the metabolism process. It also plays a role in the formation of mucous membrane and in how the skin functions.

You can get riboflavin by eating whole and enriched grain and cereal products, and by eating beef, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, and by using nutritional yeast.


This vitamin is used to help release energy form the carbohydrates we eat and is also involved in the maintenance of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and also the mucous membranes. It also helps us to regulate our appetite, and help to prevent diarrhea, dermatitis, and also dementia.

We can get niacin by eating asparagus, beans, fish, meat, liver, nuts, peas, whole and enriched grains, and also leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin B6:

Aids in both carbohydrate and protein metabolism, assists in the formation of niacin from tryptophan, and also is involved in both the immune and nervous system functioning. It helps us by preventing anemia, and by maintaining normal blood glucose levels. It also can help to prevent heart disease.

We can get vitamin B6 by eating beans, eggs, fruits and vegetables, poultry and meats.

Vitamin B12:

We need vitamin B12 in order to activate the metabolism of folate. It helps us to prevent anemia. It also is involved in keeping our nervous system healthy. It helps red blood cells to form, and in the metabolism of bone.

We can get vitamin B12 by eating eggs, fish, by drinking milk and eating milk products, and also meat. It can be found in cereals that are fortified with B12.

Pantothenic Acid:

This vitamin is used to help convert food into energy, and is involved in vitamin utilization and also in assisting healthy nerve function.

We can find pantothenic acid in most animal and plant foods including broccoli, beef, poultry, legumes, potatoes, and also whole grains.


This is yet another vitamin used to release energy from the carbohydrates that we eat, and it also helps in the synthesis of fatty acids. It helps in the breakdown of protein for energy if the body faces starvation, and is also part of how vitamin B gets utilized.

We can get biotin from egg yolk, fish, soybeans, dark green vegetables, and also whole grains.


This vitamin is essential for healthy cell membrane. It helps to produce acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. It can also aid in preventing cardiovascular disease.

We can get choline from eating cauliflower, eggs, dairy products, liver, and also iceberg lettuce.


Folate also helps energy to be released from the foods that we eat. It is perhaps most known because it reduces the risk of brain and spinal cord damage to the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy. It aids in cell division and in red blood cell formation. It prevents anemia and cancer.

We can get folate by eating green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, or the juices from citrus fruits, and by eating dried beans, peas, poultry, and also enriched grain products.