The Benefits Of Yoga

There are numerous health benefits to participating in Yoga. Yoga can benefit those individuals who have specific health issues such as fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Yoga benefits fibromyalgia because it increases core muscle strength and reduces the amount of fatigue and can decrease muscle pain. As you build up your level of endurance and stamina it will lead to less depressed mental and physical state of the individual. Yoga can also improve sleep and also your concentration levels. High impact exercises can actually worsen the symptoms of fibromyalgia while low-impact exercises like yoga can strengthen the connective tissue and also allow for more free range of motion.

Those who suffer from fibromyalgia have pain, inflammation and soreness in the tendons as well as in the ligaments. This pain causes many sleepless nights resulting in chronic fatigue. The chronic fatigue often leads to depression. When individuals avoid movement due to pain or fatigue their muscles become weak.

Yoga can bring many benefits to those who suffer from fibromyalgia in that the yoga exercises increase your core muscle strength, which reduces the amount of fatigue and muscle pain you feel. Yoga increases your level of endurance and stamina, which leads to less physical and mental depression. Yoga has been shown to improve sleep patterns and also concentration levels. Because yoga is low-impact it does not aggravate the symptoms of fibromyalgia like high-impact exercises can.

Those with fibromyalgia will have more limitations and need to rest more often than others doing yoga. Yoga should not leave you with soreness or fatigue.

Yoga can reduce high blood pressure and lower your stress level. Yoga can help everyone by helping to retain the elasticity of blood vessels, thus reducing the potential for injury to those with high blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure should practice supine and sitting positions, as well as the forward bends and also inversions to receive the most benefit from yoga.

Those who have Scoliosis, which is a condition of curvature in the spine causing an imbalance in the body by shifting the body’s center of gravity, can experience pain and other health issues. Yoga can also help those who suffer from Scoliosis with stretching and strengthening of the muscles that support the spine. The yoga exercises relieve pain and stiffness and can offset the pressure on the spine, by changing how the weight is carried. Yoga teaches those with this condition to gain balance from the inside out.

Yoga brings relief without the side effects that these individuals can experience while taking drugs. Seek medical advice and mention yoga as beneficial alternative to pain management, and achieving balance.