Treatment Options For Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis has no known cure. There are treatment choices to help ease the symptoms of the disease and give the cystic fibrosis patient a better quality of life. There is no way to prevent cystic fibrosis. It is a genetic disease caused by an abnormal, mutant gene. Chromosome number seven is the specific gene that mutates and holds the cystic fibrosis gene. A person can only get the disease if both parents have the abnormal gene in their system. If only one parent has the abnormal gene, the child can be a carrier but not show any signs of the disease. Preventing the disease is not currently possible.

If we cannot prevent cystic fibrosis then we must learn more about the disease and find new ways of treating the illness. In today’s world the disease can only be slowed and the cystic fibrosis patient can be given a better quality of life. Cystic fibrosis often causes frequent lung and upper respiratory problems caused by obstructed breathing passages. The basic parts of treatment for cystic fibrosis are physical therapy, proper diet and exercise, and medications for reducing the mucus that blocks the passageways.

There are medications that can ease the discomfort of cystic fibrosis and many are in the form of an aerosolized mist that can be inhaled. One treatment includes using bronchodilators, which are used to widen the bronchial tubes associated with the lungs. Mucolytics that are used to thin the mucus, and decongestants that are used to help reduce swelling in the membranes in the breathing tubes. Antibiotics are often used to fight lung infections and an enzyme is administered to help think the mucus that is sticking to the passageways. This mucus often is a breeding ground for bacteria and infection.

If the digestive organs are affected by cystic fibrosis the patient can be given pancreatic enzymes, which will help the digestive system. Enemas can be used to treat blockages in the intestines caused by cystic fibrosis. Patients who experience severe symptoms and complications of cystic fibrosis may require surgery and other more drastic therapy. A patient who is having respiratory failure may need a heart-lung transplant to prolong their life. Patients with cystic fibrosis who experience gastrointestinal problems may need surgery too.

A cystic fibrosis patient may also look to alternative forms of medicine or homeopathic methods to ease the symptoms of this disease. There is a wide range of these therapies available. You should always consult your doctor before using an alternative medicine approach to your disease and do not use an alternate therapy and drop your prescribed therapies. Alternative medicines include maintaining a healthy eating pattern, regular exercise, and reducing stress. Cystic fibrosis patients should also keep a positive attitude and try to keep their stress level at a minimum. Exercise will help reduce stress and anxiety and lift your mood. These are effective in treating any disease including cystic fibrosis. Keeping a positive attitude will help ease symptoms and allow you to have a better quality of life.