What Are Common Diseases Caused By Viruses?


You’ve heard of the flu, pandemic A, and now Zika. But have you ever heard of the top ten viruses that cause more deaths than cancer? If you haven’t, you should start. These viruses can kill nearly two-thirds of people who contract them. And they don’t discriminate you don’t even need to be a patient to get hurt. So how do we stop these killers? Here are the top ten viruses that cause more deaths than cancer!

How the Top Ten Viruses Cause More Deaths Than Cancer.

The ten most common viruses that cause more deaths than cancer are the flu, SARS, HPV, MERS, Swine Flu, Rift Valley Fever, Ebola, Lassa fever, and Yellow Fever. Each of these viruses can cause serious health complications if contracted during a period of illness. To avoid getting sick and dying from any of these viruses, be sure to practice good hygiene practices and stay healthy by avoiding risky activities and staying inside when it’s cold outside.

How to Protect Yourself from the Top Ten Viruses That Cause More Deaths Than Cancer.

To avoid getting sick, get vaccinated against the top ten viruses that cause more deaths than cancer. Vaccination can reduce your risk of developing cancer. However, it’s important to note that not all people who receive a vaccine will develop cancer, so it’s always best to speak with a doctor before getting vaccinated to be sure if the risk of developing cancer is worth taking.

Use good hygiene practices to Avoid the Top Ten Viruses That Cause More Deaths Than Cancer

Good hygiene practices include washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching objects that may be contaminated, and cooking food in a clean and disinfected kitchen.

Use clean cooking tools to Avoid the Top Ten Viruses That Cause More Deaths Than Cancer

Cooking using clean cooking utensils can help reduce the number of bacteria on your dishes and make them less likely to contain harmful bugs like viruses or bacteria. You can also try using non-stick cookware and using water filters when possible to rid your kitchen of harmful chemicals and germs.

Avoid touching or coming into contact with the body of someone who is sick

Avoid coming into contact with anyone who is sick by avoiding touch or coming in contact with their bodies, including hands, eyes, nose, and mouth. If you must come into contact with someone who is sick, cover them up until they are treated by medical personnel and then stop being near them completely.

Tips for Protecting Yourself from the Top Ten Viruses That Cause More Deaths Than Cancer.

One of the most important ways to protect yourself from the top ten viruses that cause more deaths than cancer is to live a healthy life. To do this, it’s important to take steps like exercise, eat a safe and nutritious diet, and avoid getting sick in the first place.

Use sensible travel plans to Avoid the Top Ten Viruses That Cause More Deaths Than Cancer

When planning your trip, make sure you keep in mind how to avoid these deadly viruses abroad. For example, be aware of the different tourist destination countries and their procedures for traveler safety, or use common sense when eating out. By doing so, you can reduce your risk of getting sick and dying overseas.

Use common sense when it comes to food safety to Avoid the Top Ten Viruses That Cause More Deaths Than Cancer

Food security is another important factor to consider when traveling. By following these tips, you can stay safe while on vacation and enjoy delicious food without worrying about health concerns. Additionally, using the travel Checklist app can help you plan with ease while on the go!

Avoid getting sick in the first place

Another way to protect yourself from monks is by being proactive about avoiding them in the first place! By taking some basic precautions such as washing your hands often and avoiding close contact with people who are sick, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming infected with one of these diseases.


Avoid the top ten viruses that cause more deaths than cancer by getting vaccinated, using good hygiene practices, using clean cooking tools, avoiding contact with sick people, and using sensible travel plans. By doing these things, you can help protect yourself from becoming a victim of one of these deadly diseases.