What are the Common Insect Who Transmit Diseases?

Have you ever wondered the most common insect carriers of diseases? Most people tend not to think about the insects that carry disease. Their main focus is usually on the actual diseases. However, it is important to realize that these insects are also a part of this problem. Insects may be small in size, but they carry an enormous amount of diseases and parasites with them wherever they go.

Insects, tiny creatures eat plants, which people or animals finds so irritating. But do you know which insects transmit diseases? Well. In the world, there are about 70,000 types of insects that can transmit diseases to humans.

Common Insect Who Transmit Diseases

Flies transmit diseases:

Flies are small insects that live on the ground or in water. They have wings and carry eggs or larvae in a sac called a “scrotum.” Some flies lay their eggs in animal droppings, which can lead to contamination of food and water supplies. These flies include house flies, blow flies, black flies, deer flies, horse flies and botflies.

Mosquitoes transmit diseases:

These diseases such as malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. Mosquitoes are small flying insects with long antennae that feed on humans and other animals. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water such as ponds or puddles, where they hatch into larvae (immature forms).

The larvae feed on organic matter in the water until they become pupae (cocoon-like stage). The pupae then emerge as adults ready to mate and reproduce another generation of mosquitoes.

Ticks transmit diseases:

These diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, relapsing fever and Colorado tick fever. Ticks are parasitic arachnids (spiders) that feed on the blood of mammals such as deer or humans. They live in grasslands or forests near wooded areas where they wait for prey to pass