What are the Most Common Diseases that Turkeys Have?

If you were going to guess what the most common diseases that turkeys have been, would it be correct to start with the word “IBD”? I don’t care if your answer is wrong or right because this is more about the disease than turkeys anyway.

So we learned that turkeys suffer from a variety of diseases. But what are the most common diseases that turkeys have? Well, there is a wide range of diseases that can infect turkeys. However, there are some that  are additional common than others. Intensively reared birds or those with poor environmental conditions, suffering from malnutrition and overcrowding, are the most vulnerable to disease.

Most Common Diseases that Turkeys Have

When it comes to raising turkeys, one of the biggest concerns is a disease. Turkeys are susceptible to several different diseases, and they can be extremely difficult to treat. Diseases are a common problem for turkeys. It’s important to keep your birds healthy and to know the symptoms of common diseases to catch them early.

Here are some of the most common diseases that turkeys have:

1) Erysipelas:

This is an infection that causes redness and swelling on the skin, particularly around the legs and neck. It can treated with antibiotics, but if left untreated, it can be fatal.

2) Avian Trichomoniasis:

Also known as “trich”, this is a protozoan parasite that causes diarrhoea in turkeys. It can treated with antibiotics or by raising the temperature of the bird’s environment above 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit).

3) Newcastle Disease:

This is causes by a virus that attacks the respiratory system and nervous system of turkeys. It’s often fatal unless caught early and treated properly with antiviral drugs or vaccines.

4) Aspergillosis:

This is causes by a fungus call as “Aspergillus” which lives in soil. Hay or straw bed use in poultry houses where turkeys live or are raised. It can also transmitted through contaminated feed or water sources.

5. Staphylococcus aureus:

It is a bacterial infection that causes lesions on the skin and internal organs. These lesions can lead to septicemia (blood poisoning), which can be fatal if left untreated.

6. Pasteurella multocida:

This is another bacteria that causes pneumonia in turkeys. This disease is often fatal, but it’s easily treat with antibiotics.

7. Marek’s Disease:

This is causes by a virus that attacks the nervous system and causes paralysis in turkeys as well as tumours on their heads and necks (that look like knots). The virus is transmit through mosquitoes or other insects, so you’ll want to keep your birds indoors during mosquito season if possible!

8. Bumblefoot:

This is a condition in which the turkey’s foot becomes swollen and painful. It can be caused by being kept in dirty conditions or it can be hereditary. The best way to treat bumblefoot is to keep the turkey’s feet clean and dry and make sure that they have enough space to move around.

9. Infectious Bronchitis :

This is causes because of a virus that attacks the respiratory tract of turkeys. It causes because of coughing, sneezing and nasal discharge. The disease is spread through contact with contaminated material (such as feed or water), direct contact with infected birds or through airborne transmission from an infected bird that has sneezed or coughed onto another bird’s feathers.

10. Blackhead Disease:

This is causes because of bacteria that infect the liver cells in young birds; it causes massive destruction of these cells which results in enlarged livers.