What are The Most Common Infectious Diseases During hurricanes?


Whether it’s the apocalypse on the horizon or just a pesky cold, hurricane season is always a threat. And for those of us who live in coastal areas. The risk of being hit by a storm plus/the 100-year-old problem of flooding are together equal Super Bowl contenders. Hurricane season isn’t all doom and gloom though. There are some great ways to stay safe and healthy during this time of year. Check out our infectious diseases that can occur during hurricanes and see if you can keep your loved ones safe.

What are the Infectious Diseases That Can Occur during Hurricanes?

1. Hurricane Irene: The most common cause of global travel-associated infections, which can include respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis, and meningitis.

2. Hurricane Katrina:

A powerful storm that struck the Gulf Coast of Louisiana in 2005, causing a massive outbreak of diarrhea and vomiting in both the short and long term.

3. Typhoon Haiyan:

A powerful typhoon that ravaged the southern Philippines in May 2015, killing more than 200 people and leaving thousands homeless.

4. Zika virus:

A virus that causes microcephaly (a birth defect characterized by small head size) and other serious health problems after being exposed to it through sexual contact or from infected mosquitoes.

5. SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome):

A severe asthma exacerbation caused by a coronavirus found in bats in 2002, which quickly spread to humans and brought widespread death and destruction across six countries before dying out in 2003.

6. Ebola virus:

An Ebola virus disease that began to circulate in Africa in 2014, eventually reaching Europe in late 2016 before spreading to other parts of the world later that year.

7. H7N9 bird flu:

A deadly bird flu disease discovered recently in China that has so far killed at least 52 people including 21 pregnant women and five children who were believed to have been infected with the virus while they were breastfeeding. This includes one Chinese mother who died after being infected with the virus while her baby was hospitalized).

How to Avoid Injury during Hurricanes.

It’s important to stay safe when traveling during Hurricanes. One of the best ways to do this is to be aware of the risks and avoid any potential injuries.

Don’t Be Injured

If you’re contused, get medical attention as presently as potential. Additionally, avoid physical activity that could lead to further injury. Stay tuned for updates on Hurricane Season, which could mean more dangerous and destructive storms in the future.

Get Help if You are Injured

If you are injured, don’t hesitate to seek out help from friends or family members (or a doctor). The sooner you can get help, the better your chances of recovering fully and getting back on your feet as soon as possible.

Tips for Helping People Avoid Injury during Hurricanes.

When a hurricane is in the area, it’s important to stay out of its way. If you’re caught in the path of the storm, be prepared for injury or even death. Try to stay calm and assess what could happen if you get hit by a piece of debris or become stranded. If you are injured, don’t hesitate to seek help. The best way to wait out an emergency is to do so in a safe place like on a roof or the side of a building. Get medical attention as soon as possible and remember that there’s no need to be afraid: help will arrive just in time for you.

Get Help if You Are Injured

If you’re injured during a hurricane, there are many options available to help you recover from this ordeal. Some people choose to go under the influence of drugs or alcohol to flee danger. Others call for emergency services when they feel like they can’t walk anymore. Ultimately, it’s up to each decision whether or not he or she chooses to help after being injured during a hurricane. You don’t have to decide this question. The emergency services system will provide impartial assistance regardless of your choice!

Don’t Be Afraid of the Hurricane

Don’t be scared of hurricanes; they’re simply storms! Instead, try and remember that hurricanes can change quickly and can cause significant damage if not dodged early on (or at least until later). Remember too that every person has their strengths and weaknesses, so don’t expect everyone around you to be able to handle emergencies (or anything else) perfectly either leave that up to them!


Staying safe during hurricanes is important, but it’s also important to be aware of potential dangers. Avoiding injury is key to keeping yourself and others safe, and updates on hurricane season will help keep you updated on the latest precautions. By following these tips, you can help make sure that you and your loved ones are safe and well during this time.