You must first work out why the teeth do not all meet evenly as they did in our ancestors and do in every mammal

No one seem to have found a rational solution

I have been helping on this site for several years and am amazed at how busy it is. I have no doubt that this is because no one seem to have found a rational solution. Jeffrey Brown says that there is no one cure, but logic would suggest that only one or two underlying causes are likely and the same number of cures should correct it.
In my view the human species is the end result of over 400,000,000 years of tough competition and is pretty perfect. Why then, should one small joint cause such agony to so many people? There has to be a reason and like so many health problems, once you find the answer it is obvious and often simple.
Most of us would agree that it is something to do with life-style and as most regular readers of this site would know I am sure that the bones and joints in our body are more influenced by long-term posture than any applied force or activity.
Just think about it. Prof John Mew.


John Mew
Dear Donat Lewandowski, you must first work out why the teeth do not all meet evenly as they did in our ancestors and do in every mammal. Read up Profit’s work on why teeth do or don’t erupt. Remember the tongue is by far the most powerful influence in the mouth. When you understand why then you will be able to cure TMD like no other. Best wishes Prof John Mew..

Donat Lewandowski
I know why. postop complications , no typical reason….no tongue issue and it’s well positioned…. It happened within a fed days. before surgery no single click in joint ever. I have to put my jaw in proper position on force by a splint. what to do in this situation ?

Theodore R. Belfor
We are designed to be symmetrical. For the system to work properly we need to develop symmetrically. The manilla develops upward and forward. If one side does not develop upward and forward the jaw is the victim and is misaligned upward and back ward. Treat development and cure tmd issues.

Ferro Sabestian
I would rather say “balanced” than “symmetrical” otherwise could not agree more. However I will keep coming back with practical question: what if we already have an adult patient with a problem who needs complex professional intervention? I find it hard to follow fixed guidelines that major schools apply as I have not found any that is applicable to all situations. Do you mix and match? John Mew you say no splint in general if I read you well but for the patient in severe pain if it is a splint (by splint I mean a prosthesis of occlusion – an appliance that fools the system that the occlusion is correct) or agony… I will go with a splint, buy time and patient’s trust and work on diagnostics and then on the cause to align everything together and also to work on the primary cause of the misalignment.

John Mew
Dear Theodore R. Belfor,, and
Ferro Sabestian, I really think there is only one cause for TMD, malocclusion, ear nose and throat, occlusion and sleep apnoea and that is poor posture. Most of you will not agree, but one day you will. There is also only one cure, correct posture (The Tropic Premise)
I correct posture by various means but success depends more on age than difficulty, but the crucial ingredient is will-power anyone can correct their oral posture but few do. Certainly it is easier when young but it is not too difficult to stop pain in most cases. But I could not do it without a stage 3 appliance and many patients find that too difficult to wear. Prof John Mew.

Denise Headrick Sneed
Moderator , John Mew how do you correct posture issues?

Theodore R. Belfor
Denise, Ferro , Placing a uniblock on the 2nd bicuspid and first molar POD appliance, on the less developed side allows the jaw to find its happy position. It discludes the mandible and decompressed the joint the forces of occlusion are where the body was designed to properly distribute them. The ANS is enhanced and inflammation is reduced. Healing can take place. Any treatment must show improved ANS response.

Denise Headrick Sneed
Moderator , Theodore R. Belfor that will fix posture problems?
even if there’s damage to the joint?

Theodore R. Belfor
That is the simple treatment. Maxillary development with the Homeoblock appliance for at least 2 years will permanently improve jaw posture I have case studies of course.

Denise Headrick Sneed
Moderator , Theodore R. Belfor ok so uniblock is for simple cases and
Homeoblock is for complicated cases? Am I understanding you correctly?
I looking for a way to fix my c1 and keep my jaw in alignment so my bird beaking can have a chance to heal some 🙂

Rebecca Hoffman Snyder
I’m confused how this would address a case where the bony structures of the joint have lost their original anatomical shape and no longer fit together as they were meant to? What about cases where scar tissue and other adhesions in the joint have formed? I do believe if given the right environment the body has an amazing capacity to heal, but as in my case and many others, my condyles have shown some signs of recortication, but it’s no longer going to magically grow back to the shape it once was and probably couldn’t anyways because the rest of the body is no longer aligned to accommodate that original structure. On top of that, the muscles, nerves, and bones may find a place of harmony again when the jaw is still, but the jaw needs to be able to function and if one thing remains unbalanced it seems the whole system will remain under stress and likely continue to cause pain and further breakdown over time. Hoping this isn’t the case, but at times seems like an impossible task to put this system back together when so many different parts of the body are impacted for such a long period of time. Most people don’t even realize they have “TMJ” or misalignment until it’s likely gotten to this point. It often feels like I can get my bite to feel right at times, but my joints feel off or my joints will feel right but my neck feels twisted. When I think it through seems like for many of us it’s almost an impossible task to get the whole body to work in harmony again.

Theodore R. Belfor
I am addressing pain. Headache and neck pain more than anything else. Reducing inflammation and balancing the musculature. Rebalancing the system. I can show some joint remodeling using objections maps created from dicom data from cbct scans and Analyze 10.0 software from the mayo clinic. Not fixing really damaged joints. I a maxillary expander at night and a simple uniblock appliance during the day.

Pepita Sapapailla
John Mew bonjour professeur John Mew après avoir discutté avec un tas de gens qui souffre de douleur liée aux atm . je constate que pour bon nombre de souffrant le probleme a commencé a cause des cervicalle .queun pensez vous ? car vous ne citez pas cette cause plus haut mais juste oreille narine ect .merci de votre reponse

Tahmina Abady
John Mew what is stage three appliance ?

Jeffrey Brown
IMHO- most of us experience distortion at the time of birth and then one day it catches up to us. I have never really experienced any consistency in human beings and even if it all is due to birth trauma, people are so different anyway. If there was only one or two cures, then ALL human beings should be about the same size/weight/height/color/etc – but since we are all so different, it makes more sense to me that one should factor in all these permutations in the course of treatment as well.

Matthew Voigts
Jeffrey Brown I have just written an article on this subject. Would you like a copy?

Jeffrey Brown
Matthew Voigts – yes please, that would be great to read!

Matthew Voigts
Jeffrey Brown ok I will email it to you.

Jeffrey Brown
I think I got a little too emotional on this one since it’s been a very busy week with new patients all having similar issues. It makes me wonder: What really is considered standard of care in orthodontics? Dont’ the orthodontists check range of motion, palpate the muscles, check for clicking/popping? Aren’t they supposed to do this?

Donat Lewandowski
you are very helpful here, thx

Denise Headrick Sneed
Why don’t they! I see these 8-9 year olds in braces and I want to scream

Theresa Hussmann Rasmussen
And makes me SO regret getting braces for my daughter, 10 years ago. I had no idea and just pray that they don’t come back to affect her, years from now……..

Jeffrey Brown

Denise Headrick Sneed – this morning I did scream- new patient comes in with braces on- age 13- she cannot even stand up straight!

Denise Headrick Sneed
Moderator , Jeffrey Brown oh my gosh!
I’m screaming with you! That is awful…what happened to Do No HARM!!!

Thelma Louise Davis
Jeffrey Brown are you sure these patients are being treated by orthodontists and not just general dentists who also do braces……..when is the ADA going to step in and start regulating which procedures can be done by drs with certain training only. imo its these “one stop shopping” dentists who try to do it all that are ruining people – they dabble in everything and specialize in none.

Jeffrey Brown

Thelma Louise Davis – these are coming from a ‘real’ orthodontist and that is what scares me

Jeffrey Brown
I am having the same problem with the dentist who saw our videos and now treats dystonia patients- someone reached out and said the splint did not work….arrrgghhh….there is so much more to it than that, and the splint might make it worse is the problem

Thelma Louise Davis
that’s what worries me too! when drs learn something new but are not fully invested in it, they learn just enough to be dangerous.

Zoe Fry
Thelma Louise Davis You can say that again!!!

Risto Hurme
Yes this is how an orthodontist sees it !
Picture A is wrong it is already impinging the tissues !!!
Gelb 4/7 position ( Natures position! ) is about 2 to 3 mms forwards and 2 to 3 mms downwards!
I know you knew Dr.Harold Gelb but it is shame you newer took his course to learn about correct jaw position!
This is the starting point for orthodontic treatment and should be the finishing point !

Kate Carpenter
Risto Hurme, what fires 2-3 mm forward and down? the mandible?

Risto Hurme
Yes the mandible needs to be down and forwards usually two to three mms…
Paula Circa
Risto Hurme if a condyle is put in gelb 4/7 position for a long period of time can remodel or “grow back” to original shape?

Risto Hurme
Paula yes the condyle can grow back , temporal bone can grow back, bone around the ear canal can grow back, bones surrounding your brain can grow back …
The degree depends on the trauma that happened before and the degree of the correction achieved !
Gelb 4/7 is the ideal position … you also need to get all the cranial bones lined up as well as possible and the rest of the body to achieve the most bone regrowth.
But it grows back even if you don’t achieve all the above goals I see it every day!
The human body is self healing you just have to give it a chance to do that … you need correct structure for this !

John Mew
Dear Keren Purchase you know I never extract teeth and prefer to treat children who are young enough to learn to keep their tongue on their palate and mouth closed. Best wishes Prof John Mew.

Denise Headrick Sneed
Moderator . So what should we do for the ones of us that are in this!
I have bird beaking, c1 is out of alignment but I don’t have jaw pain I have vertigo plus forward head posture

Risto Hurme
Denise if you are in these FB groups then it is pretty obvious that your jaw is not in the Gelb 4/7 position!
Gelb 4/7 position means that everything in your body has to be in correct place … meaning you have to be normal … we are now several generations domesticated/civilized!
All your symptoms are related to your body being out
Alignment! Have you read The Dental Distress Syndrome by AC Fonder DDS?

Denise Headrick Sneed
Moderator . Risto Hurme no sir I have not read that but I will search for it.
You are correct I am not a gelb 4/7 position!
I have watched all of your videos as well as the exercise video you have out (been following you for a while now). You are 7 hours from me but my son lives in your area
I am thankful that I don’t have any more jaw pain but this vertigo is driving me batty and I can’t take much more.

Dadi Mamy
Denise Headrick Sneed quel traitement tu as suivi pour douleur de machoire?

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