Has someone here already been treated or thought about the link between their eyes and their issues in the jaw?

Important anyway for eveeryone here is to include in your treatment and diagnose the involvement of your other postural main points: eyes and feet.

Hi everyone,
Has someone here already been treated or thought about the link between their eyes and their issues in the jaw? In France, we have a postural approach that values a lot “postural entrances” (mouth/feet/eyes) and thee importance to regulate all of them. Everyone has basically mild issues or dysfunctions in their body (if we all go to an osteopaht, they’ll find Something) but we are able to regulate them via various compensations. When the body can’t take these compensations anymore because too many postural entrances have dysfunctions at the same time, it décompensâtes –> it is the syndrome of postural deficiency. The solution then is to find which posturl entrance is involved in the pain, evaluate if ascending or descending problem, and treat the entrances. In my case, I have the jaw, and the eyes, and very minorely, the feet.
I’m asking because I have a specific problem in my eyes that is a BIG part of my postural issues and muscles pain, and I was wondering if someone here has the same. To put it shrt: I had a strabismus as a kid, which led to an eye being “lazy” (the left) because it would not be used as much as the one not affeted by the strabismus. Classical reaction in these cases is for the eyes doctor to ask the children to cover the healthy eye in order to recover a balanced level of vision on both sides. Which I did.. but not long enough apparently. The result is that my left eye is weak. Another improtant element is that children, with strabismus, do not see in 3 dimensions, don’t have the capacity to put the two images that each eyes see (that is how we see: 2 images and our brain connnexions make them in one image). So for the kids, to avoid seeing 2 images, the brain “neutralizes” one of the image, it compensâtes . In my case, I have a strabismus from birth, ireversible, that basically means that I don’t have the nerve that allows me to see one imag, so I have developped this neutralization technic. Therefore, no exercizes with any orthoptist (eyes gymnastic, let’s say) should be done , beause the risk is that my brain would stop doing this neutralization and I will end up seeing double, since I have n capacity to recover any kind of ability to see in a “binocular vision” since the nerve died. So we can’t do Nothing, and it’s also hard to correct the lazy eye. So as you can imagine, the right ye being more active and working thhan the left one, I have a problem of muscles recruitment.
This is all a bit technical but if someone has the same, s.he will understand and recognize himself!
Important anyway for eveeryone here is to include in your treatment and diagnose the involvement of your other postural main points: eyes and feet.


Holly Alex
Follow apparently I have a dodgy eye and my right foot has always had issues I had to train it to walk straight as a child (it was not obvious but my ankle wanted to very very slightly face outward) the right side is my side with issues – maybe a link

Steven Council
Yes I have had three strabismus surgeries, two sinus surgeries, and three jaw surgeries. Strabismus from birth, disappeared in adolescence, and reappeared at age 18. Tmj issues appeared in my early twenties. In my fifties now.

Amelie Giraud
do you have an eye seeing less?

Simbad Lexou
not exactly

Simbad Lexou
but heterophoria is present for sure

Simbad Lexou
I mean vertical deviance probably due to a IV paresia

Amelie Giraud

you don’t have to. It depends on the initial cause. Some people have strabiisus but equal vision in both eyes.

Simbad Lexou
i have 15/10 of both eyes but motility troubles

Simbad Lexou
vertical heterophoria / exo + exophoria

Simbad Lexou
what is noticed is that all troubles are on the right side : first of all vestibular disorder + slight laterodeviation of tmj and moreover vertical phoria

Amelie Giraud
same here.

Luis Redinha
We involved orthoptics in the treatment of our TMD patients with very good results . My first advice would be for you to have a full diagnosis by the ” best” eye doctor ( binocular vision ) that you can find. If a medical solution is available I would try it. If no medical solution is indicated I would try a funny thing . Go to an specialized contact lense specialist and ask for a block out ( opaque ) contact lens painted to look like your good eye ( like the ones that are made for blind people that want the blind eye to look like the other – in Lisbon I was able to get one made for about 300€) put it in on your ” off” eye and wear it for a few weeks along with some Physical therapy to your neck and shoulders and see what happens.

Simbad Lexou
Dear Luis What do you expect with this ? do you want to check wether or not the eye “off” (from a strictly optical point of view sensus stricto) could be also or not the cause postural disturbance ?

Simbad Lexou
specialsits said to me the distinction between postural vision and optical vision need to be taken account

Luis Redinha
Simbad Lexou I’ve seen two patients that where legally blind from one eye ut nevertheless whenever you cover the blind eye, postural tests show improvement

Amelie Giraud
Dear Luis,

I appreciate you taking the time to explain me this.
In my case I can’t do that. The eyes doctor clearly explained me that if I train my lazy eye , I take a very big risk of developping a double vision.
But very interesting!!

Luis Redinha
Amelie Giraud so block it and see what happens to your body. What do you have to loose?

Amelie Giraud
Block it? Which eye?? The strong one? I can’t , because if then I develop a double vision it’s gonna be super hard to cope with.. seeing everytbingt in double !

Luis Redinha

Amelie Giraud no, block the one that your brain dismissed . Although vision inputs are dismissed postural proprioception from the eye it’s still there

Amelie Giraud
OK!i’ll do the test over control of my optometrist and posturologue. Thanks!!

Luis Redinha
Amelie Giraud let me know how it goes please

Lenka Dubsky Prescott
I have a “lazy” right eye since birth plus my jaw problems are on the right side. I suspect my eye is somewhat involved.

Régis Msallam
It’s exactly the same story for me (left eyes lazy) and also left deviation of the jaw with contracted muscles of the neck (more on the right side). And I have new glasses yesterdays and my contractions in the neck and jaw have increased.

Amelie Giraud
do you also have a lack of binocular vision? (vision binoculaire)?

Régis Msallam
yes (maybe we already spoke about that on the french group?). Are you sure that the nerve on the left side is out of order?

Amelie Giraud
yes, i’m 100% sure.

Simbad Lexou
Régis Msallam wich nerve exactly ?

Amelie Giraud
Simbad Lexou le nerf qui permet d’avoir une vision binoculaire.

Régis Msallam
binocular nerve in frenchglish.

Simbad Lexou
Régis Msallam ?????

Simbad Lexou
eyes are under the control of occulomotor nerves III + IV + VI

Simbad Lexou
Amelie Giraud wich one is it ?

Régis Msallam
It’s difficult to understand because we lack something since childhood and the brain do “as if everything was normal”. But is there different levels of lack of binocular vision?

Simbad Lexou
please let me know

Régis Msallam

Simbad Lexou
from evidence but from a neurophysiological point of view ?

Régis Msallam
Not enough investigation for me. Amélie seems to have more.

Simbad Lexou
what else ????

Simbad Lexou
strabism is currently inivestigated in France and we have eminent specialists

Amelie Giraud
i don’t know, 3 orthopists told me it was from birth, and it xwould be VERY Dangerous to try to reeducate my eyes because it could decompensate and stop the neutralization of the second image that it has learned to do.

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