What are some common Genetic Diseases?

If you’ve ever wondered “what are some common genetic diseases”, then we’re going to answer the question below. Some genetic diseases are more common than others and it is extremely important for you to be aware of them.

Some genetic diseases have several different symptoms. They can affect organs like the heart, liver, and brain. Some can cause birth defects while others can make you age faster. It’s scary when in young adults or 20s to think that we are now getting old.

Genetic disease

Genetic diseases are conditions that are caused by changes in a person’s DNA. These changes can be inherited from a parent, or they can develop during a person’s lifetime.

Common Genetic Diseases

There are many common genetic diseases in the world, and they can be genetic in several ways:

  • Down syndrome: This condition causes intellectual disability, physical growth delays, and other health issues. It leads to an additional copy of body twenty one. The cause of Down syndrome is unknown; however, it occurs when the mother is pregnant with her baby.
  • Huntington’s disease: This disorder causes dementia and movement problems as it progresses over time. Huntington’s disease is passed down through generations in families and can only be diagnosed by genetic testing.
  • Cystic fibrosis: This condition affects many parts of the body including the lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, reproductive organs and even sweat glands.
  • Autosomal dominant inheritance: is one that can be passed on from parent to child. In this case, the child only needs to inherit one copy of the gene from one parent to develop the disease.
  • Autosomal recessive inheritance: This occurs when both parents have at least one copy of the mutated gene but neither parent is affected by it themselves because they have two normal copies in their genome. An example of associate degree chromosome recessive malady is pancreatic fibrosis.
  • Fragile X syndrome: This is one of the most common inherited disorders that cause mental retardation, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities like ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It’s caused by changes in the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome. It’s one of the leading causes of mental retardation in boys and young men.

Effects of genetic disorders

Genetic disorders can have effects on the body in many ways. These effects can include physical and mental impairment and even death.

Some genetic disorders are present at birth, such as Down syndrome or Trisomy 13, while others develop later in life, such as Huntington’s disease. People born with a genetic disorder may have learning disabilities or other issues that affect their behaviour or development. In some cases, they may not live very long.

Adults who develop genetic disorders later on in life may face severe physical or mental impairment or even death. Many of these diseases are hereditary, meaning they’re passed down through families. Genetic testing is available for some of these diseases to determine whether you’re at risk of developing them.

For some types of a genetic disorders, there are steps you can take to lower your risk of having a child with the disorder. These include:

  • Having children early in life
  • Screening tests during pregnancy
  • Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
  • Genetic counselling

What to do when you have a genetic disease?

When you find out that you have a genetic disease, it can feel like the world has turned upside down. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the steps you can take to help yourself work through your feelings and start managing your genetic condition.

  1. Recognize that there’s no right or wrong way to process the news
  2. Find a support group
  3. Develop a treatment plan with your doctor
  4. Take care of yourself
  5. Educate yourself on your condition