What are The Most Common Hereditary Diseases?

Hereditary diseases, also called genetic disorders, are passed on from parents to their children. In this article, I’ll list what I believe are the most common hereditary diseases that affect people living in the modern world today.

Knowing your family’s medical history is critical. Most diseases are hereditary and knowing what diseases could affect you later it’s important. This infographic, created by Doctors Health Press, cuts right to the point and highlights. The most common hereditary diseases by type and related health issues. Whether you’re a mother or father-to-be, or a parent of young children. You’ll probably gain some valuable insight from this infographic.

The Most Common Hereditary Diseases

The most common hereditary diseases are linked to genes, and they can be passed down from parents to children. They can also be caused by mutations in the inherited DNA. Which can result in a change in how the body works. There are many different types of hereditary diseases. And it’s important to know the signs so you can get early treatment.

The most common hereditary diseases include:

Breast cancer:

This is a disease that affects women, and you should know the symptoms so you can get early treatment. Some of the warning signs include a lump in your breast, discharge from your nipple, or pain when you touch your breast.

Parkinson’s disease:

This is another common hereditary disease that affects people over the age of 50 years old. And it causes tremors in your body and stiffness in your muscles. You should seek treatment immediately if you notice any of these symptoms.

Alzheimer’s disease:

This is a mental illness that affects memory and thinking abilities over time, which makes it difficult to perform daily tasks without help from others around them like family members or friends; however, there are ways to manage this illness by eating healthy foods like fruits vegetables (e.g., tomatoes) regularly as well as exercising regularly every day for at least 30 minutes each time before going home after work (or whenever possible).

Down syndrome:

A chromosomal abnormality that causes people to have an extra chromosome 21 and causes mental retardation and other physical disabilities.

Cystic fibrosis:

A genetic disorder that affects organs, especially the lungs and digestive system, causing problems with breathing, coughing up mucus, and digesting food.


A condition where there is a lack of melanin pigment in your skin and hair.